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Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber

Ultrasonic Technology for Deep Cleaning

Our ultrasonic skin cleaner can deeply clean your facial skin, exfoliate, unclog pores deeply, and make your skin more beautiful.


  • Ultrasonic cleaning.Ultrasonic cleaning of deep pores in pores
  • Positive ions lead to dirt, negative ions are introduced into nutrition.
  • EMS micro-current stimulation, rejuvenating skin.
  • Voltage: DC 5V
  • Battery capacity: 500mAh
  • Rated power: 1.5W
  • Product material: ABS
  • Product size: 43x15x172mm
  • Net weight: 86g
  • Continuous use time: 60 minutes
  • Charging time: 2H
How to use

Step 1: Cleansing
Ultrasonic Cleansing Mode (use with facial cleanser/face wash )
1. Wet face with warm water and use facial cleanser/face wash to make foam.
2. Press long the button to power on, default is the PEELING mode.
3. Keep the shovel face inward, the shovelhead downward and close to the skin. Move the shovelhead slowly against the direction of the pores for 3 minutes.

Step 2: Deep Cleansing
Positive Ion Export Mode ( ION+ ) ( use with toner / lotion )
1. Apply proper toner/lotion to your face.
2. Press short the button to select ION+ mode.
Keep the shovel face inward, the shovelhead upward and close to the skin. Move the shovelhead slowly against the direction of the pores to deep clean your skin for 3 minutes, then rinse off your face with warm water.

Step 3: Nutrition Introduction
Negative Ion Introduction Mode ( ION- ) ( use with essence / emulsion / masks )
1. Apply proper essence/emulsion to your face.
2. Select ION- mode.
3. Keep the shovel face outward, the shovel heads upward and close to the skin. Move the shovelhead slowly follow the direction of the pores to massage for 3 minutes.


Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Alana Barton

Like something cleans, the face is all red after cleaning, be careful

Shanelle Jaskolski

I take the second time already at once 2 pieces. The first in the end gave. These 2 to myself and mom. I'm happy with everything! I recommend both the seller and the store.

Laila Ebert

The product corresponds to the description. Everything works. Remains to check in

Carolyne Rippin

Paradna vecicka. Spokojnosť

Maverick Emmerich

Ultrasonic scrubber for skin cleaning. Worthy replacement of salon procedures! I wanted a long time to save my money and do cleaning at home on my own. This device makes deep cleansing, cleaning of dead skin, removes harmful substances, smoothing wrinkles and increases the elasticity of the skin, increases the ability of regeneration and permeability of skin cells, narrows time. And most importantly, without pain. Works with skin care products-foam, cream essence, мициллярная water, etc. That is ultrasonic vibration (water is sprayed with ultrosonic vibration), and pores and dirt are embedded in "small particles", without damaging the skin. And through the micro-current stimulates the production of collagen and makes the code more smooth. Sound-vibration, fairly smooth, hearing does not irritate, just something buzzes. Simple button design, easy to operate and adjustable to the necessary mode, Yes has three modes. Tested. I liked the effect, the face is cleaned, the pores become cleaner. So recommend! УЛЬТРАЗВУКОВОЙ СКРУББЕР ДЛЯ ОЧИСТКИ КОЖИ. Достойная замена салонный процедурам! Хотела давно, чтобы сэкономить свои денежки и делать чистку дома самостоятельно. Этот прибор делает глубокое очищение, очистку омертвейшей кожи, удаляет вредные вещества, разглаживание морщин и повышает эластичность кожи, повышает способность регенерации и проницаемость клеток кожи, сужает пора. А главное - без боли. Работает с продуктами по уходу за кожей - пенка, крем- эссенция, мициллярная вода и т.д. То есть ультразвуковая вибрация(вода распыляется ультрозвуковой вибрацией), а поры и грязь встраивается в "мелкие частицы", не повреждая кожу. И через микро-ток стимулирует выработку коллагена и делает коду более гладкой. Звук - вибрации, достаточно ровный, слух не раздражает, просто что-то жужжит. Простой дизайн кнопки, легко работает и регулируется в необходимый режим, да имеет три режима. Протестировала. Эффект мне понравился, лицо очищается, поры становятся чище. Поэтому рекомендую!
